Friday, June 11, 2010

Dollar Tree Swirly Frame

I absolutely looooooooove the Dollar Tree. It's full of things begging to be classed-up, deconstructed, or made-over. I can go in there and get tons of craft possibilities and only spend a dollar. That's kinda the point of the dollar tree.
Anyhoo, a while back I bought this photo frame for a 3"x4" photo. It's plastic faux wood with plastic designs glued to it. UGGO.

How to class it up? Simple.
Fugly frame ($1)
Cream-colored acrylic paint (I had some on hand)
A wet rag (for mistakes) (on hand)
A dry rag (on hand)

I squirted some cream paint onto the brown plastic decorations, making sure to get every crevice and nook. I used my fingers, but you could use a brush. I took the dry rag and wiped as much excess paint off as I could. I took the wet rag and touched up any paint that got on the faux wood.
And there you have it! :)


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